Thursday, February 16, 2006


電影 THE TRIP --VJ必修


一看到這DVD封面 我決定拿起來看一看


心想 一定要想辦法弄到手

2個月後 .....
好看 好看 真好看

The Trip is an awesome 60's experience. No drugs are necessary. You'll feel stoned just watching it.

Peter Fonda is a commercial director going through a bitter divorce, so he decides to take an LSD trip to get in better touch with himself and his feelings. He gets the drug from dealer Dennis Hopper and has friend Bruce Dern guide him through his drug induced state.

導演Roger Corman 以身試法,經歷這樣一趟旅程。
also took LSD before starting the film,
figuring he couldn't make a film about LSD without trying it himself.
He had a good experience, and had to ask others
what a "bad trip" was like in order to incorporate it into the film.
傑克尼克森Jack Nicholson是此片的編劇之ㄧ。(註一)
Jack Nicholson wrote this screenplay for Corman
based on his own experience of taking LSD
under controlled laboratory conditions and
also on his marriage break-up with first wife, Sandra Knight.

Psychedelic Corman adventure!,
15 March 2004Author:
el-p from The North East, England

The Trip has absolutely no plot, and this suits the film just fine.Jack Nicholson penned the impressionistic script, and Roger
Corman brings it to life (allegedly he dropped acid for the first time, just to get the experience. There was probably a lot of
'method' acting going on too.) The Trip defines a psychedelic film experience. You've got gaudy gothic tinged set-pieces with
Fonda being chased around by medieval knights, sex scenes lit by strobe lights and bright colours everywhere.Corman really
was the go-to-guy for hot new talent, and this film boasts three of the best in screenwriter Nicholon, Fonda
and Dennis Hopper. These are the guys who would go on to make Easy Rider and many other classics.

The Trip is an awesome 60's experience. No drugs are necessary.

You'll feel stoned just watching it.

傑克尼克遜 在70年代演了幾部非常經典的電影
(導演"安東尼奧尼Michelangelo Antonioni197)